Moving Beyond Conventional Psychopathology Labels

This Masterclass will examine the development of psychological functioning from preconception through the first three years of life, exploring how individual and environmental factors shape the “self” and mental health across the lifespan. It will critique current diagnostic systems (DC: 0-5, DSM-V, ICD-11) that may contribute to over-, under-, or misdiagnosis and introduce a dimensional approach incorporating Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) and other dynamic systemic models. Subsequent sessions will delve into intergenerational influences on the mother-prenate relationship, the roles of sensory integration, interoception, and arousal regulation in early embodied self-perception, and the impact of early relational experiences on self-development. Emphasizing function over pathology, the course will focus on multidimensional clinical reasoning to address these foundational concepts.

Who this course is for

See criteria below


Certificate of Completion

Next steps:

Start date & time

Jan 30, 2025 | 8 pm eastern

Length of course

(6) 1.5-hour sessions | 1/30; 2/6; 2/13; 2/20; 2/27; 3/6
Step 1 register and pay
Step 2 access the course
Step 3
 review the Overview
Step 4 attend sessions

Start Date & Time

Jan 30, 2025 | 8 pm eastern

Length of Course

(6) 1.5-hr sessions | 1/30; 2/6; 2/13; 2/20; 2/27; 3/6

Who this course is for

See criteria below


Certificate of Completion

Next Steps:

Step 1 register and pay
Step 2 access the course
Step 3 review the Overview
Step 4 attend sessions

Course Overview

Moving Beyond Conventional Psychopathology Labels: Exploring the Fabric of Early Development in Search Of a Deeper Understanding of the Embodied Precursors of Psychological Dysfunction

Pediatric psychopathology is a “land of opportunity” and “an opportunity” to move the study of pediatric development forward. Pioneers in pediatric psychopathology go back to the work of Rene Spitz, Sibyelle Escalona, Selma Fraiberg, Stanley Greenspan and Serena Wieder. We will explore embodiment and the precursors to psychological functioning and dysfunction from preconception, through intrauterine development and conception, and through the first three years of life. We will look at how individual and environmental differences influence the development of the embodied self and mental health.

Class1: We will discuss the pros and cons of the current symptom/behavioral diagnostic categorization used to assess psychopathology in childhood: DC: 0-5; DSM-V and ICD-11. We will present a dimensional diagnostic way of looking at children drawing on Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) factors combined with a Bronfenbrenner systemic model. We will first look at how our present diagnostic systems lead to labels that put children, adolescents, and adults into cartons that involve different symptom combinations, with the same diagnostic label that often leads to under-diagnosis, over-diagnosis, and misdiagnosis of what an individual is experiencing. We will demonstrate the importance of looking at psychopathology through dimensions, and thus highlight what has been missing. We will study where it all begins and how the complex human in front of us came to be.

Class 2: We will discuss the factors that influence the development of mental health and mental illness in early childhood by beginning with pre-birth, the intergenerational transmission of factors that impinge on the mother-prenate dyad that may create the crucible for psychopathology throughout the lifespan.We will discuss genetics, molecules, cells, circuits, physiology, social, emotional, developmental, and environmental factors influenced by the micro-, meso-, exo-, and macro, and chrono- systems in which these endogenous factors are bathed. We will focus on the development of the embodied self. We will show how the “fabric of psychology” sense of self, perceptions, concepts, emotions, interoception, and self-regulation are woven as the weft of time/ experience interfaces with the warp of biologic, physiologic, social, and cultural personal factors.

Class 3: We will focus on the sensory integration and processing capacities that influence the development of the embodied self. We will focus on the sensory contributions to self-awareness, self-regulation, self-in relationship, and self-autonomy. We will also discuss the functional impacts of disordered sensory integration and processing on these social emotional foundations and the cascading impacts on mental health through childhood.

Class 4: We will discuss current theories on embodied experiences of interoception, brain prediction, arousal and self-regulation. We will dive into how these internal processes impact perceptions of self and mental health.

Class 5: We will address “self” in relationship. We will look at how early experiences of self-in relationship impact how children come to perceive themselves. We discuss the role of attuned, synchronous, marked, contingent, and co-regulated caregiving responses on a child’s development of self and the potential cascading mental health consequences of not experiencing this early nurturing.

Class 6: We will focus on using multi-dimensional clinical reasoning with a focus on function vs pathology. We will discuss how we can address the foundations discussed throughout this class using a trauma informed, culturally sensitive, relationally mediated interdisciplinary approach.

Course Format

Moving Beyond Conventional Psychopathology Labels is a live online instructor-led course.
  • Maximum of 15 participants
  • (6) 1.5-hour live online sessions
  • All live online sessions must be attended in full in order to receive a certificate of attendance (CEs are not available)
  • This class is discussion based so participants should come prepared to reflect and participate in discussion.

Course Instructors

Criteria to Take the Course

This class is open to pediatric clinicians from all professions who have a foundational understanding of developmental psychopathology.

You must hold at minimum a Profectum DIR® Level 1 Professional Certificate (or equivalent).

This class is discussion based so participants should come prepared to reflect and participate in discussion.

Frequently Asked Questions

This course is for

This class is open to pediatric clinicians from all professions who have a foundational understanding of developmental psychopathology. You must hold at minimum a Profectum DIR® Level 1 Professional Certificate (or equivalent). This class is discussion based so participants should come prepared to reflect and participate in discussion.

Attendance and requirements for completion

All live online sessions must be attended in order to receive a certificate of attendance.  Zoom logs will be referenced for attendance.

Payment options

Payment in full is required.

Payment, withdrawal and refund policy

If you submit payment and withdraw from this course at least 15 working days (Mon-Fri) BEFORE the start date, you will receive a refund minus the non-refundable deposit and a cancellation fee of $25. If requests to withdraw are received after this time period, no refund is given and you are responsible for full payment of the course.

Requests to withdraw must be sent via email to

In the event that a course is canceled, you will be notified immediately via email and a credit will be issued toward a rescheduled course or the entire submitted fee will be refunded without further liability on the part of the organizer.

Contact if you have questions.

Cancelation policy

We strive to accommodate start times and international time zones for our participants and, therefore, reserve the right to adjust course start dates and times as needed. A minimum number of participants are required to run the course. We reserve the right to cancel or postpone a scheduled course if the required number of participants is not achieved.

In the event that a course is canceled, you will be notified immediately via email and a credit will be issued toward a rescheduled course or the entire submitted fee will be refunded without further liability on the part of the organizer.

If you have questions, contact

Special accommodations

If you require ADA accommodations or have a special needs request, please email at least two weeks before the program start date so arrangements can be made.

Technology requirements

Profectum uses video streaming and video conferencing as our standard technology tools. The course relies on you watching webcasts on your own and joining live online class discussions using Zoom.

A computer with a monitor, keyboard, and a mouse or a laptop. (Please note that the course is not fully supported on mobile devices such as phones and tablets.)

Speakers, either built into your computer or external (plugged into your computer).

Camera, either built into your computer or external (plugged into your computer).

An internet connection, either wired or wireless, DSL or better.

The course is supported on the most recent versions of Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, as well as Internet Explorer 11 and Edge. Please note that the course is incompatible with Internet Explorer 7, 8, 9, and 10. We recommend using only a single tab on your browser.

The Zoom application.

A PDF viewer, such as Adobe.

A printer or access to a printer (to print the resources in the library, if desired).

Moving Beyond Conventional Psychopathology Labels

This Masterclass will examine the development of psychological functioning from preconception through the first three years of life, exploring how individual and environmental factors shape the “self” and mental health across the lifespan. It will critique current diagnostic systems (DC: 0-5, DSM-V, ICD-11) that may contribute to over-, under-, or misdiagnosis and introduce a dimensional approach incorporating Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) and other dynamic systemic models. Subsequent sessions will delve into intergenerational influences on the mother-prenate relationship, the roles of sensory integration, interoception, and arousal regulation in early embodied self-perception, and the impact of early relational experiences on self-development. Emphasizing function over pathology, the course will focus on multidimensional clinical reasoning to address these foundational concepts.