The 5Cs
The Foundational Capacities for Development (FCDs) provide the construct for adapting experiences, strategies and intervention programs to allow each individual to realize his or her developmental potential. This often starts with the adults in an individual’s life adapting their responses to foster feelings of what we call the 5Cs -- Comfort, Competence, Confidence, Control and Communication
Semi-structured and structured activities designed to foster feelings of Comfort, Competence, Confidence, Control AND Communication equals the reduction of stress and abilities realized.
The 5Cs

Environmental: physical, sensory experience and
emotional state: trust, predictability, passions, judgement free zone
Expectations: accomplishment and purpose
in SELF, in environments, in activities, situations and demands and with people
I can make something happen, or not, I can be an EQUAL contributor to interactions and situations, I am in control of myself
reliable, functional, powerful, expresses who you are!