Raising the Bar: Climbing the Developmental Ladder in Uncertain Times

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The unique feature of this conference includes tracks tailored for parents, clinicians, and educators who are supporting individuals with special needs during a pandemic. Our conference presenters have been working on the front lines during the pandemic to support each other–parents and professionals. Educators, Administrators, Clinicians, Parents, and Autistic Advocates will share their experiences, guidance, and practical strategies for supporting healthy development during these uncertain times! The core principles and best practices of intensive developmental programs will also be a key focus of presentations. Learn strategies presented by professionals from DIR-FCD™ model school and center programs from around the country will demonstrate how the Developmental, Individual Differences, Relationship-based Model with the principles of the Foundational Capacities for Development (DIR-FCD™ Model) provide the evidence-based framework for intensive programs for children and adults with autism and related special needs.


Included In This Series