About this Conference

This conference aims to expand the scope of ASD intervention by exploring the common ground and complimentary relationship between DIR® and ABA approaches. At the heart of engaging autism is developing reciprocal relationships and communication between parent and child that paves the way for the future. DIR® introduced a major paradigm shift to intervention focused on the role of affect and relationships in development, emotional thinking and symbolic play in cognition, and intervention tailored to the individual differences in sensory processing and regulation in each child. ABA emphasizes the child’s capacity to learn new behavior as a function of its consequences and acquire skill sets that promote function in the real world, reducing behaviors that interfere with learning. Other methods also strive to improve outcomes. An objective of this conference is to initiate the dialogue needed to improve and enhance outcomes across a greater number of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. At Profectum, intervention focuses on building foundational competencies needed across the life span and a refreshing openness to exploring integrative models of intervention. As the importance of developmental approaches is recognized by clinical and evidence based research, this ground breaking conference opens new doors and innovative possibilities.

Learning Objectives

During this unique day of presentations on research, clinical and parent perspectives participants will learn about:
• Considering effective practices for improving developmental outcome in autism.
• Integrating developmental approaches and ABA programs.
• Evidence for joint attention and symbolic play improving outcomes in school settings with verbal and non-verbal children.
• Evidence for the DIR® Model improving child parent interactions and outcomes that impact diagnoses.
• The Unmet Challenge: Discovering barriers to progress and experiences to activate progress.
• Making decisions along the intervention path with parents.
• Clinical reasoning and intervention integrating a case presentation.
• Raising the bar of expectations as children transition into adulthood.

Ron Balamuth, PhD

About presenter

Connie Kasari, PhD

About presenter

Ricki Robinson, MD, MPH

About presenter

Richard Solomon, MD

About presenter

Serena Wieder, PhD

About presenter

Day 01 Oct 21
7:30am - 8:30pm

Registration Opens

8:30am - 9:30am

Welcome - Pathways to Progress: Essential Experiences to Advance Development | DIR® and the Foundational Capacities for Development (FCD)

Presenters Serena Wieder
9:30am - 10:30am

Engaging Autism: Developmental Implications for Intervention

Presenters Connie Kasari
10:30am - 10:45am


10:45am - 11:45am

Intensive Developmental Interventions for Young Children with Autism: The Evidence

Presenters Richard Solomon
11:45am - 12:45pm

Integrating ABA and Developmental Approaches

12:45pm - 2:00pm

Lunch on Your Own

2:00pm - 4:00pm

The Dialogue Continues: Broadening the Scope of Intervention

Presenters Ron Balamuth Gilbert Foley Sima Gerber Christie Virtue-Herman
4:00pm - 5:00pm

How to Create a Meaningful Life for Every Child

Presenters Ricki Robinson
5:00pm - 5:30pm

Questions and Answers


General Information
